Find the ideal place for your bachelor party
VIP room in Dance machina is a private room in club located in Bydgoszcz. Cosy place to organize your stag party with exclusive use.
Barbórka by VENGE / Wild Beach
The only beach in Bełchatów! Unique place to organize your bachelor party in. Plan it at the beach with volleyball field and water curtain.
Schron / Salka
Cosy room in a Schron club, located in Poznań. Venue located in the center of the city, in old post-german bunker from 1944.
Salon Bilardowy La Sezam
Billiard club located in Wrocław. There are 17 game tables. You can play, get a drink and have fun with your friends on your bachelor party.
LCS Lubelskie Centrum Strzeleckie / Strzelnica
A shooting range in Lublin to organize your bachelor party with a bit of adrenaline. An interesting place to meet your friends.